Express yourself in any way. Allow your brain to generate as much info and concepts as possible. Write texts (best), draw pictures, compose music, sing a song, play a guitar. Do everything that starts from your consciousness. And record it. This is the interface that connects your current essence to your future resurrected entity. The more content is generated by your brain, the more info will enter the future artificial intellect that will analyze it and recreate your consciousness.
Understand – now we can not transfer your mind in a computer. But now we can memorize the info that will be needed by the computer to re-design your mind. You will die one day, but you are already able to leave a footprint, that will be used for your resurrection. Our generation will be among the first immortals. We are the first generation that can not live forever, but can create and save enough data about it to be resurrected when technology becomes advanced enough to re-create thinking in computer environment.
Proceed to Step 2…